Recurso 5 220x99 

Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases

Seminar by Roman Chrast at CIPF

Dr. Roman Chrast from Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden), with whom we collaborate in different studies, presented a seminar at CIPF entitled "Cell autonomous and non-cell-autonomous mechanisms implicated in axonal maintenance". A pleasure knowing of his recent findings!


Female Researchers Conference on Rare Diseases

CIPF organized the 1st conference of female researchers on rare diseases (March 2nd, 2016). The conference was opened by Oscar Zurriaga (Director Research, Innovation, Technology and Quality, Conselleria de Sanitat), Enrique Alborch (Director CIPF) and Carmen Espinós (Group leader CIPF). The speakers were Teresa Sevilla (H. U. i P. La Fe & CIBERER), Rosario Sánchez (H. General de Alicante), Almudena Amaya (FEDER), Clara Cavero (FISABIO), Susana Lloret (Fundació per amor a l'art), Susana Rodríguez-Navarro (CIPF), Mª Eugenia Armengod (CIPF & CIBERER), Dolores Moltó (Universitat de València & CIBERSAM), Pilar Codoñer (Universitat de València & H. U. Dr. Peset) and Carmen Espinós (CIPF)



World Rare Disease Day at FISABIO

On World Rare Disease Day (February 29th) a conference was held entitled: "The rare diseases, a global vision for being visible" organized by FISABIO (Fundación para el Fomento de la Investiagción Sanitaria y Biomédica). In this conference, associations of patients, patients and researchers took part. Dr. Carmen Espinós gave a speech about: " Wilson disease and NBIA: Diseases with metal accumulation". 


I Conference on Traslational Research on Rare Diseases in Valencia

The I Conference on Traslational Research on Rare Diseases in Valencia has been held at the Faculty of Medicine (25-26 February 2016). During these two days researchers belonging to different Valencian institutions have presented their latest findings on several rare diseases. Dr. Carmen Espinós has participated with the conference: "Genetics and Pathophysiology on Rare Diseases". 


CIB-2016 Medical Research Meeting

The IV Medical Research Meeting (Congreso de Investigación Médica, CIB) has been held at the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Carmen Espinós took part of the board about Rare Diseases together with Dr. Ibo Galindo (CIPF-UPV)  and Almudena Amaya (FEDER), being the chairman the dean ofthe faculty Prof. FedericoV. Pallardó.
