VII Conference of Female Researchers in Rare Diseases

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Another year we have celebrated the Conference of Female Researchers in Rare Diseases and it is its seventh edition. In front of an audience of more than two hundred people, patient associations and researchers have presented their work. This year the following have participated: Belén Hueso, Gema García, Sheyla Velasco, Onitza Sagredo, Mireya Carratalá, Lydia Díez, Alejandra Darling, and Gema Esteban. The topics of the presentations dealt with ataxia, spinal muscular atrophy, retinal dystrophies, Dravet epilepsy, paediatric neurodegenerative diseases, and Wolfram syndrome. An exceptional day. Thanks to the speakers for their participation and to the large audience for coming once again to the Príncipe Felipe Research Center. We will continue working to better understand rare diseases!




